
ARCHIDEAS & Siebold+Baker at Stitch 2018
This year Archideas teamed up with Siebold+Baker for the 2018 STITCH competition hosted by the IIDA Illinois Chapter. This year the theme was Art STITCH’d Alive, where teams chose a famous work of art as inspiration in creating a dress using the manufacturer’s products. In our case we chose The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, and used Izzy+ thermoplastic sample chips layered like scales to execute our design.
Our work, titled Lucid Twilight, used a variation of blues, yellows, whites and grays as seen within the original painting to evoke the brush stroke and whimsical quality of van Gogh’s work. As the thermoplastic samples move on top of the garment, this represents the motion seen within the painting.
As a team we worked on our sewing skills, (and learned why thimbles are important) culminating in an enjoyable evening of friendly competition and the opportunity to see other team’s designs.